(Left to right) Dean of the School of Communication & Theater at Temple University, Bob Smith
Linda Dorian, Vice-President for Legal Counsel for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Bob Kalthoff, President of the National Organization of the Broadcast Pioneers
Jack Satterfield, President of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Ambassador & Mrs. Walter Annenberg
Robert Montgomery Scott, President of the Philadelphia Museum of Art
The Four Seasons Hotel, Philadelphia
Friday evening, May 18, 1984

The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia was honoring Walter Annenberg by naming a scholarship fund in his honor. Though the scholarships were funded by the Broadcast Pioneers and not by Ambassador Annenberg, we wished to pay tribute to Walter's achievements in broadcasting. By the way, the National Organization of the Broadcast Pioneers no longer exists. The Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is now an independent organization.

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Jack Satterfield
© 2007, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
All Rights Reserved

The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com