On August 8, 1968, John Bryan, KYW-TV News, did the five minute Eyewitness Newscasts that came on during "The Today Show." The station, at that time was an NBC-TV affiliate. The announcer that did the ID was Bob Bradley. John Bryan was friendly with fellow KYW-TV newscaster Tom Snyder.

Sterling Mac Kinnon, a visitor to our website worked at KYW-TV for 21 months from January 1968 to October 1969. He e-mailed us:

Tom had a buddy, a junior TV news reporter named John Bryan who had been out covering the Ringling Brothers circus arrival. He had retrieved an intact elephant dropping, about the size of a liquor bottle. Bryan took the turd to Bailey, Banks & Biddle and had it gift boxed and wrapped. He left it on Tom's desk with a note, "From an admirer."

The audio is very much distorted. We have cleaned it up as much as we could. While this was a television broadcast, we only have audio.

Listen to the Newscast!

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Audio originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Gerry Wilkinson
© 2007, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
All Rights Reserved

The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com