(Left to right) Mike Nozilo, Pat Merbreier and Carter Merbreier

While this photo shows everyone looking at a card saying, "WTVD-TV, Durham, North Carolina," it was actually taken at WFIL-TV here in Philadelphia. Mike was a producer-director at Channel 6. Of course, Pat and Carter Merbreier are better known to the world as Captain and Mrs. Noah. All three are members of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia.

"Captain Noah's Magical Ark" was syndicated by Channel 6 and carried in dozens of markets. The card pointed out that WTVD-TV had just picked up the program.

From the official archives of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
Photo originally donated by Broadcast Pioneers member Mike Nozilo
© 2007, Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia
All Rights Reserved

The e-mail address of the Broadcast Pioneers of Philadelphia is pioneers@broadcastpioneers.com